

Molybdenum ,chemical symbol MO, atomic order is 42, which is a transition metal element that is a trace element necessary for the human body and animals and plants. The molybdenum single is silver -white metal, which is hard and tough.
In 1782, a Swedish mine owner Elm was separated from metal molybdenum from the molybdenum ore, named Molybdenum, and the element symbol was determined to be MO. Chinese translates into molybdenum. It was recognized by Bezilius and others. The main minerals are Molybdenum ore (MOS2).
Molybdenum is mainly used in the steel industry. Most of them are used for industrial molybdenum dioxide blocks after steelmaking or cast iron. A small number of melting into molybdenum is melted and then used for steelmaking. The molybdenum content in low alloy steel is not more than 1%, but consumption in this area accounts for about 50%of the total consumption of molybdenum consumption. Adding molybdenum to stainless steel can improve the corrosion resistance of steel. Adding molybdenum to the cast iron can improve the strength and wear resistance of the iron. 18%of molybdenum -containing nickel -based hyper -alloy has the characteristics of high melting point, low density, and small thermal expansion coefficients, which are used to manufacture various high -temperature -resistant parts of aviation and aerospace. Metal molybdenum is widely used in electronic devices such as electronic tube, transistor and rectifier. Molybdenum and molybdenonate are excellent catalysts in the chemical and petroleum industry. Molybustion is an important lubricant for the aerospace and machinery industry.
Commonly used molybdenum products include molybdenum and mesenchymal; molybdenum oxide; ammonium molybdenonate;
1. Ferro Molybdenum. The iron alloy composed of molybdenum and iron generally contains 50-60% of molybdenum, which is used as a steelmaking alloy additive. Molybdenum and iron alloy. Its main purpose is to be used as a molybdenum agent in steelmaking. Adding molybdenum in the steel can make the steel have a uniform fine crystal tissue and improve the hardening of the steel, which is conducive to eliminating the crispness of the ignition. In high -speed steel, molybdenum can replace some tungsten. Molybdenum and other alloy elements are widely used in the production of stainless steel, heat -resistant steel, acid -resistant steel and tool steel, and alloy with special physical properties. Molybdenum plus the cast iron can increase its strength and abrasion resistance
2. Molybdenumoxide. It is used as a raw material for making metal molybdenum and molybdenum compounds. The petroleum industry is used as a catalyst. It can also be used for enamel glaze pigments and drugs. This product is a flame retardant, which has dual functions of flame retardant and smoke suppression. Complexation with other flame retardants can reduce costs, increase flame retardant, and reduce the amount of smoke. The molybdenum dioxide also has the dual effects of flame retardant and smoke. It shows a certain synergy effect with the triteromy hydrogen aluminum and oxide.
3. Ammonium molybdenonate. Ammonium molybdenonate is mainly used for smelting molybdenum and metal molybdenum dioxide and metal molybdenum powder; raw materials for tungsten molybdenum alloy and molybdenum wire; geological survey for phosphate ore; for chemical catalysts; ammonium molybdenonate; main molybdenonate For dyes and pigments, it is a raw material for making molybdenum powder, trace element fertilizers, manufacturing ceramic pigments and other molybdenum compounds. This product is used as a catalyst for the petroleum industry and artificial wool industry, and it is a good catalyst and a fireproof agent for fabrics. It is also used for industrial raw materials for photography, powder, metallurgy, metallurgy, ceramic glaze, pigment, and medicine.
In 2021 year, DOMETAR Metal produced 1000Tons per month, and 80% was exported to Europe by railway shipping. FeMo60 is the most popular specification in steel plant.