

Ferroalloys-Iron Alloy , a broad iron alloy refers to a product that adds steel as a deoxidant and element additives to make steel with some characteristics or a certain requirement. Intermediate alloys composed of iron and one or several elements are mainly used for steel smelting. In the steel industry, all steelmaking intermediate alloys, regardless of iron or not (such as silicon calcium alloys), are called "iron alloy". It is also used to include some pure metal additives and oxide additives.
It is also used to include some pure metal additives and oxide additives. Iron alloys are generally used as: deoxidants: remove the oxygen in the steel water during the steelmaking process, and certain iron alloys can also remove other impurities in steel such as sulfur and nitrogen. Alloy additives: According to the requirements of the steel type, add alloy elements to the steel to improve the performance of steel. Preparation: Add the crystalline tissue of the casting before casting the iron water before casting iron.
Desequent. Remove the oxygen in the steel water during the steelmaking process, and some iron alloys can also remove other impurities in steel such as sulfur and nitrogen.
Alloy additives. According to the requirements of the steel type, add alloy elements to the steel to improve the performance of steel.
Breeding agent. Add the crystalline tissue of the casting before casting the iron water before casting the cast iron.
Restore, producing other iron alloys and non -ferrous metals by metal heat reduction method; alloy additives for non -color alloys; and a small amount of chemical industry and other industries.
Steel, all steel is a type of iron alloy, which also makes iron alloys the most widely used and the largest amount of alloy.
Basic use
As a steelmaking deoxidant, the most widely used is silicon manganese, manganese iron and silicon iron. The strong dehydration agent is aluminum (aluminum -iron), silicon calcium, silicon crickets, etc. (see the deoxidation reaction of steel). Common varieties used for alloy additives are: manganese iron, chromium iron, silicon iron, tungsten iron, molybdenum, titanium iron, nickel iron, tadpoles (钽) iron, rare earth iron alloy, boron iron, phosphorus iron, etc. Various iron alloys According to the needs of steelmaking, many levels are specified in accordance with the content of alloy elements or carbon content, and impurities are strictly limited. The iron alloy containing two or more alloy elements is called a composite iron alloy. The use of this type of iron alloy can be added at the same time to add deoxidation or alloying elements, which is beneficial to the steelmaking process and can comprehensively use symbiotic ore resources more economically and reasonably. Commonly used are: manganese silicon, silicon calcium, silicon cricket, silicon manganese aluminum, silicon manganese calcium and rare earth silicon iron.
Pure metal additives include aluminum, titanium, nickel and metal silicon, metal manganese, metal chromium, etc. Some easy -to -restore oxides such as MOO and NIO are also used to replace iron alloys. In addition, there are nitride alloys, such as chromium iron, manganese iron, etc., such as nitride, and heating iron alloys mixed with heating agents.
Basic classification
There are many varieties of iron alloys, and many classification methods are generally classified according to the following methods:
(1) Classified by the main elements in the iron alloy, mainly including silicon, manganese, chromium, cricket, titanium, tungsten, molybdenum, etc.
(2) Classification of carbon content in iron alloys, including high carbon, medium -carbon, low -carbon, micro -carbon, ultra -micro -carbon and other varieties.
(3) Multi -iron alloy containing two or more alloy elements. The main varieties are silicon aluminum alloy, silicon calcium alloy, manganese and silicon aluminum alloy, silicon aluminum alloy, silicon cymbal calcium alloy, etc.
(4) Classification according to the production method: there are blast furnace iron alloys, electric furnace iron alloys, outside furnace method (metal thermal method) iron alloys, vacuum solid restoration iron alloys, electrolytic iron alloys, and special iron alloys such as oxide blocks and heating iron alloys.

Rare earth ferrosiliconmagnesium alloy
Rare earth ferrosilicon
silicon-calcium alloys
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